Published in Lifestyle
8 minutes read

A Minimalist Lifestyle

A Minimalist Lifestyle

Aminimalist lifestyle looks different for everyone. For me, it’s helped me pay down $42,000 of student loans in just over two years, lend more of my attention to my loved ones, and set me on a path of intentional living. In the past six months, I’ve felt happy, healthy, and at peace.

While I can’t guarantee that what I have incorporated into my life will do the same for you, reflecting on a few of these things may help provide clarity to your life.

1. Downsize your stuff

Personally, I donated about 70% of my clothes to various non-profit organizations. I realized that I owned several items of clothing that I hadn’t really worn in months. If I didn’t love it, I didn’t keep it. To prevent myself from accumulation creep, I review the contents of my wardrobe once a month to see if I can get rid of anything more.

I’ve also slowly donated shoes, bags, books, mugs, electronics, and artwork. I thought I would regret letting go of some of these things later, but I can honestly say I don’t even remember everything that I’ve gotten rid of. This goes to show that things we may have grown attached to don’t mean as much to us as we think. Of course, I still have some sentimental items (I have every single card that my girlfriend has given to me — which is now quite a lot!) and I have no problem letting them take up space.

2. Turn off all the notifications on your phone

The only notification I get is when I receive new text messages. The person who texts me the most is my girlfriend, so I’d like to ensure that I’m available for her. As for e-mail, news, social media, and all the other ancillary apps — I’ve turned off their notifications and background refresh.

3. Actually, just go ahead and delete the social media apps on your phone

A few weeks ago, I deleted Twitter, Medium, and Quora off my phone. I finally acknowledged that I suffered from the twitch — you know the one — wherein you find yourself reaching for your phone — on the subway platform, in an elevator, or perhaps even walking — to avoid momentary boredom. I wanted to break free. And so, I finally did.

4. Select a few go-to meals

During the weekday, I have go-to meals: a three-egg, spinach omelette for breakfast, a vegan stir-fry for lunch, and usually a salad for dinner. It may not be very exciting, but my meals are generally easy, nutritious, and filling. When it comes to eating healthy, my general philosophy is to eat relatively healthy meals and then indulge in some not-so-nutritious snacks. By keeping things simple, I’m able to grocery shop quickly, spend less time preparing meals, and reduce my monthly food expenses.

5. Purchase most books on Kindle, unless you really love it

As an aspiring author, I consider reading a duty. On top of reading long-form articles online, I average four books each month. However, in order to reduce physical clutter in my apartment, I either borrow books from the library or purchase books on Kindle. I simply throw my iPad in my work bag and pull it out during my commute.

6. Simplify your finances

One of the biggest impacts minimalism has had on my life is steering myself away from hyper-consumption. I used to be someone who bought everything with credit cards. I would estimate how much money I needed each month and pay the minimum amounts on my multiple forms of debt.

“Even though everyone embraces minimalism differently, each path leads to the same place: a life with more time, more money, and more freedom to live a more meaningful life.”
As Minimalists Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus

While I can’t say that adopting a minimalist lifestyle has been the answer to all my problems, I can confidently say that it’s made my life, on both a personal and professional level, sustainable.  

1 Comment

Lord Moder
8 months ago

No I don't because I love seeing...