Published in Lifestyle
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Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

I saw it again a few weeks ago at a festival. Another guy following around a girl he likes like a puppy. I know this girl. Friendly and very quiet and cute with a nice figure. It was sad and pathetic seeing that guy staying latched on to her the whole time. He even did the classic move of coming back to sit and eat with her. He either doesn’t know she has a boyfriend - and she’s not saying it. Or he knows but still thinks he can try to work his magic on her. Or, she’s done with her boyfriend and he thinks he can go in for the kill. Either way, he is not a winner, even if he thinks he is.

Yes, he is another “simp,” even if women don’t like that term. It doesn’t change the truth of the matter. No guy should be so latched on to a woman to a point of acting as if he’s going to lose her or another guy will steal her if he doesn’t be her ball and chain 24/7. That’s not confidence, and it pushes women away even more. Sadly, a lot of guys today do not realize this.

Men are taught to be weak

But it’s actually not entirely men’s fault that so many are weak with and for women. It’s largely because men are raised to be this way. Growing up, men are still being taught to behave like a gentleman with women, to be soft and romantic to appeal to them or as a form of respect in courtship or dating - which are not wrong values, but these guys do exactly these things thinking a woman will love them for it, when that doesn't always happen. This is what ends up making them look like simps or ‘nice guys.’ And women use men who want to be very loving and giving to them. Even Courtney Ryan mentioned this:

Imagine all the mothers out there who have taught their sons to be a good gentleman for a woman, that this is what women want, when instead many will just see these gentlemen as easy pushovers. It is sad and totally wrong, but true. Even many of these mothers have used a man at one point or another in their lives, and sometimes their own daughters have learned it from their moms. Women have no less of a fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em mentality than men do, they just do it in different ways.


Dart Wander Author
7 months ago

Here is my reply

10 months ago

Weak men are looking for reasons why they fail with women. After enough failures they blame women.

Dart Wander Author
7 months ago
